Monday, August 13, 2007


Not 24 hours had passed since I put up my first blog post that I received an email from Ben Wigler of Arizona.

hey ryan,

thanks for mentioning us in your blog! and damn, for naming it after our song. that's very cool of you- which 'Slip show did you see us at?

-Ben Wigler

Sweet deal. He went on to tell me that the band is planning on touring around the country a couple of times before the end of next year. Everyone should make plans to see them live as soon as show details are released. I'll be more than happy to accompany anybody to every single show in the Maryland/DC area.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Welcome Back Dear Children

Arizona is the best band that you have never heard of. I saw Arizona open for The Slip a few months ago and felt obliged to download their album.

Welcome Back Dear Children is the incredible debut album from Arizona. The second track is the inspiration for the URL of this blog. The entire album combines soft, catchy rock with memorable acoustic tracks to create something that exceed all your expectations from a debut album. The sixth track, Old Man With Bad Back Climbing Up Stairs, is a simple acoustic track that clearly illustrates an elderly man fighting, and eventually accomplishing, the arduous task of climbing a flight of stairs. Some Kind of Chill and Te Amo Tanto are two beautiful opening tracks that can be listened to over and over again. The album doesn't falter near the end, like many rock albums of today, and holds strong until the very end. Oh, they also have an upright bass player. Awesome.

Arizon's official website has some tracks you can listen to, so I urge you to give these guys a listen.